not much things to say about these stuffs. got them from friends who thought i loved chocolates so much.

for that i want to thank them for the presents that was given to me. i don't usually like celebrating my birthdays. cos each my birthdays are usually coupled with sad events. :P
like getting older. etc. etc.
i ate those cookies. i still have lots more left. hehe. will try to finish it soon.
nice and soft with chocolate chips all around. on other days i'd be happy to eat it. but on my birthday ? naw.. too much associations with sad events :P
more chocolates
this one is from harrods. it looks much to nice to be eaten. so i won't eat till i feel it's like one of the other days.

last but not least, i got a coupon for gelatos in harrods.

cheers. happy days to u all too.

for that i want to thank them for the presents that was given to me. i don't usually like celebrating my birthdays. cos each my birthdays are usually coupled with sad events. :P
like getting older. etc. etc.

nice and soft with chocolate chips all around. on other days i'd be happy to eat it. but on my birthday ? naw.. too much associations with sad events :P
more chocolates
this one is from harrods. it looks much to nice to be eaten. so i won't eat till i feel it's like one of the other days.

last but not least, i got a coupon for gelatos in harrods.

cheers. happy days to u all too.