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BBQ Weekend. - :P winchester bbq.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usi was down in kent again. urged to visit by my aunt. anyways, had bbq over the weekend. was sad to say .. it was my first english bbq. lol. It's soooo different.
it's not like some bbq we have back home where everybody sits and cook.. it's just a cook and i sit down to eat. it was a fishy bbbq. salmons, mackerels, sausages, thin steaks, Portabella mushrooms. big mushrooms. (bbq-ed as well) man i was full. 3 small cans of heneiken for the 2 days stay. not too bad.. lucky i never drink any hard alcohol.
nuttin else much to say except it was a tiring weekend. and note to self.. something weird is happening.. the dreams are coming back.. sien..
didnt buy bread for the week. means either tonite will have to go to morrisons do my grocery shopping. or i eat nothing for the rest of the week.
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tube from finsbury park to victoria is cheaper and faster than taking 2 buses down to victoria. even though part of the victoria line was closed on saturday to do some works. i took piccadilly line to green park. switched back to victoria line. got there in 35 mins. compared to bus it would have taken me 1 hour i think.
mm. came back with another jar of jam and another jar of chutney. ( aunt made them)
journey to kent on south eastern. - £7.70 single. X 2 .. woah..
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.uswhen italy won the match last nite, we had some stupid mad ppl banging on shop fronts honking as they drove past to celebrate ?? i think those are mad ppl who needs to be institutionalized because i dont think causing public disturbance in the middle of the night accounts for celebrating the winning of the world cup.
oh yeah.. i ate macdonald's DOUBLE Quarter pounder meal for £3.99. man.. it WAS HUGE !!!..i think they printed it was a limited edition. haha



Honestly, i think McD's in the UK is a great deal. With a student card which most accept without even needing to show it most of the time where you get either a free cheese burger/drink/ice cream with any set meal. The 99pence burger is alright as well, not to mention 2 apple pies for 99pence. Talk about great value man. :)
heheh that's for ur student card ler.. me never a student here.. so i didnt experience life with a student card :P
but McD's = unhealthy .. hahahaha but yeah.. it's nice :)

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