this just reminds me of muttley who goes HEE HEE HEE .. after Dastardly fails to catch the pigeon. the theme to the song is still stuck in my head. i'm not sure if it's still the same tune i heard years back. catch the pigeon, grab the pigeon, nab him, smack him kill him ?? hahahhahaa
this links to the synopsis to the cartoon.
unknowingly these pigeons gather around trafalgar square's national gallery's lawn or whateverumacallit.
reached home at 1130 pm last nite. woah. aint no joke. the traffic was less. easy to cycle. not much wind.
dinner was just chicken and toms, brocs, and carrots. didnt have rice again. reason being i had fries for my carbo in the afternoon.
cycling halfway today .. nia ma.. suddenly rain.. lucky never rain very heavily else soaked to the bone.
nothing else interesting happening.