As far as i can see, those flowers were very nice. that's why i took pictures of them. cos when i was young, i've always thought that when my rich friends came back from travelling out of malaysia. the pictures taken seemed so nice. anyways, i have my chance now to keep this in memory. hehe. to see what i see. albeit with a little bit of photography to capture the moment, here i present myself a collection of sights and flora. dunno what sort of flowers they were just took them cos they looked nice. as well as i think the last one is cherry blossoms. maybe.
on another note, i've booked my ticket home. i will collect it soon. it's a good life. like John McClane would say . YIIPPEEE KAY YAY - M**F**R.
right, another few more weeks. just hang in there.. hahaha
last nite, dinner was pasta + corned beef, + broccoli and raw cucumber.
Pride - japanese sports drama - it IS good. :P
gotta go back to work. ta.