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Baden Powell House SW7

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saw this when i was looking for the emirates office. it reminded me of the time i was in the Scouts team of the school or something like that la.. not sure if this place is named after the guy that started the scouts movement. anyways, if i am wrong, correct myself later. i was in the scouts. i got soot wiped over my face by my scoutmaster when i didnt clean the pots and pans nicely. i got toothpaste all over my face when i was camping somewhere in school. i was never any good at scouting. i just joined cos some guy told me it'd be fun.
fun!!??!! .. undoubtly it was fun. we hiked for about 20 clicks ? from one end of miri to the other end of miri. but it was fun. true.
on my scout's honour.
never did learn any useful knots, but we did have fishing expedition that we had to eat those fishes we caught from a nearby river mouth. we were given 3 match sticks and expected to create a small campfire.
amazingly i did that. hehe.
that was also the first time i learnt about aji shio. a seasoning that is produced by aji no moto. peppery. and stuffs like that. put on the fish. ate it. yum.
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okies. reminiscences aside,
excerpt from a talk i had today
[NOW this is a RANT]

wei.. u talk too much nonsense laaa i don't have money to buy anything .. i didnt strike lottery when i came to UK la... i only made a little bit of money . not enough to do anything.
nola.. it's just that when i go back to msia ahh.. ppl think i really got fucking alot of money asking me to spend this and spend that..
they see me say wah.. wat fuck u earn 6 times more so everytime we go out u buy drink/food/etc...
padahal , i only got this small amount enough to buy friends a small meal .. they fucking want tai thong or fucking high class.. mah lan hai diu.. i know they only joking.. but stress kau 7. I would buy nice stuffs or treat my friends nice stuffs, IF i can ... not like i got any girl to take care off.. seriously, wihtout girl i think i spend so much less.. that's why i dont really like talking about girls that much ..
nia mah.. now i can go where i want, when i want, do what i want without care. niamah.. if they don't like it.. they can go fuck themselves...

i got this comforting reply from a friend

aiya... small thing la,... comeback to KL then i intro you girl ...if you want la... i never xpect anything from you la...
just you come back enough la
we can go mamak chitchat

jokes non-withstanding, forget about the part about the girl. my friend likes to talk about girls like nobody's business.
that's it for today. it's a friday after all.
and note: I DETEST CUSTOM DTS PACKAGES !!! %$£&^£$&£^"$%"$£ transfering it from one version of sql to another is not my idea of favourable fridays. i hereby knight fridays as FRANTIC, FRenzied FRIDAYS!!, RISE Sir FRantic Frenzied Friday.


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