Cookiesss !! i made them.. not bad for a first timer who has never made cookies b4.
butter ones.. they dont look that good cos i dont have those cookie molds.
i just picked the simplest cookie recipe from the web adn then i tried it.
smells good i guess. i used unrefined sugar ( healthier :P )
feels weird.. cos when i baked them after 20 mins.. i took a fork and poked them they were still soft .. so i panicked.. i've never done cookies which were soft b4.. anyways, since that's the case i took them out. put them to cool . then i tasted them b4 i put the rest in. hmmm seems good also.. cos it hardens after cooling.. woot woot.. :P
1 slab of butter 250g + some sugar.. no weighing scale and some essence of vanilla plus self raising flour.. ( leftovers , i needed to clear them out. :P and some pastry flour have to finish it mah)
mix mix mix.. then it seemed a little weird or wet i mean so i put more flour lor.. but then it came out alright.
total cost : i think butter was 53p, sugar 1/4 of £1, flour was 1/5 of 28p, essence was dunno la..
then grand total i think about £1.
very little la then time taken was about 1 1/2 hours to bake about 73 pieces of misshapen cookies. :P that means i don't have to buy cookies anymore.. i can make all the cookies i want !!! wooo hoooo
now i wanna try those delicious jam tarts my uncle + aunt makes during chinese new year.. though i think he makes them all year round.
oh yeah, dinner was curry + long ( short ) beans + carrots + eggs and rice. of course and some cookies !! muahahhahaa
woot.. i finally found a place which gives FREE AIR !! :P BP station after camden town on the way down to warren street.
and secondly i have a new tool for recipes. currently it has about 4k recipes.. but stills need some work. searches by ingredients or recipename.
try it here. i've named it COOKLE :P