it was hot on the weekend when i decided to go down to oxford circus to find the tuxedo. this was taken on saturday. anyways, buses were diverted cos something happened in camden town road or something la. so i took the bus it stopped at Great portland st. and i decided to walk down to oxford circus. then along the way i saw this huge lamp/light/whatever it was. i took a picture of it. it was at lest 6ft in height or maybe more. i dunno how to gauge or guess the length and width. but i sure as heck know that thing was huge. dun remember the name of the pub. looks like a cock. maybe it's the cock as well.
puns aside, that's it for today.
i skidded first time on my bike today for an E brake when that dumb ass van driver decided to drive across the road, and this stupid bike in front of me also stop .. sigh. anyways. skidded means like drifting on a bicycle.. lol.
nola.. it wasn't much skid lucky i was good enough to be able to keep my bike balanced. else i'd would have been the damn laughing stock of the road users. that aside, almost got blown off my bike again. the wind was very strong at the junction of UCL's traffic light. bah humbugs. oh well. today is an exciting day cos tommorrow we're going on a holiday. woot woot !! that's it. back to work.