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Bodean's BBQ Restaurant, SOHO -> Zebrano BAR, Ganton -> Strawberry Moons Bar London

right, a holiday is always good. top it up with good food. well..i went to this restaurant called bodean's BBQ. click Bodean's BBQ to go. anyways, i was to shy to take pictures cos i went with a group that i didnt know that well hahaha. it was my friend's farewell. back to the food. spare ribs. YUM !! alright. i think this is one place i'd not say it was expensive though i think it is. an average spare rib cost about £15.75 and a drink cost about £3 i think.
worth it. in the restaurant, they had few long tables like those in the canteen, and then we ordered and waited for our numbers to be called to go get our food.
plasma teevees on each side showing 2 different sports channels american sports that is. nice environment. the ppl who worked there was quite friendly i think.
oh yes. deserts take VERY LONG TO ARRIVE. my friend ordered a cheesecake, it took them like 20-30 mins to get it to him.
then we adjourned to Zebrano bar. hmm first time in a bar ? i can't remember. i think so. cos all the time i usually go to pubs. not many ppl dancing in this bar.
this bar was fancy. well.. then i asked my friend, he said
pubs = traditional english pub.
bars = modern & trendy pubs. hahahhaa louder music. more dressed up crowds.
this zebrano had very nice bartenders. yum yum. they were mostly girl bartenders. lotsa pretty girls as well.
didnt stay long. then moved to
Strawberry Moons. yeah went to the moon. THIS bar had a really large dancefloor. i guess u could say it was a club. more ppl danced here. weird ppl. hahahha if i was there, i guess i was one of them hahaha. and then the music was good. i mean not those head banging stuffs but OLD music as my friend put it.
then suddenly a star came on stage. it was a bloody robbie williams impersonator. OMFG... it was HORRIBLE !!! a few songs after that.. i couldnt take it.. i just told my mates, i'm going .. bah humbugs.. if it was still the house music i'd stay longer but the guy singing was driving me crazy. the speakers were clipping. i think the soundman didnt set the system up for voices. i could do a better job at handling the damn clipping sound.
well.. that ends my thursday nite. i have some pictures from the but not of those places i went.
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this is a a night shot at the end whitfield street.

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The rest of it is picadilly circus. :P


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