In Remembrance of Ooki(Mandy)
12:30am (Australian Time) on 24 July 2008
I first chatted with her back in the summer of 97 when i was in malaysia. she used the irc nick of ooki and i've always remembered her as ooki sakuragi. (blame it on the slam dunk anime)
I remember that she was a vibrant, and cheeky girl and also a very tall girl ( IRC = image swapping = a/s/l) hehe.
methinks she used to go to the undernet irc servers and hung out at #miri. or #mamak
but i forget the details.
After the IRC fever slowly edged away, we grew up. i guess. IRC was a thing of the past.
We caught up again i think about few years ago when i think i came across her blog or something via something..
and i STILL can't remember. (i must be starting to forget stuffs)
then i got her msn then we chatted then google.
Her life was a journey of interesting sorts. i heard about her travels, her love for the canon d, and anime bokura ga ita and kenshin.
she wanted to go nepal and china and trek back to nature thing.
When chatting with her
every thursday when we were chatting halfway she would say she had to go because her brother was coming over for dinner.
and every night when she needs to go to shower.. she would forget to reply me and i would be thinking that oh .. she went to bed without saying goodnight. lol.
After so long of being friends i've still never met her..
now i never will.
in an email i've received from her brother
In the meantime, I would like leave a quote that Mandy prepared for all of you,
"As you love me, let there be no mourning when I go…
As we shall be happy for the dead are free… and I'm free…"
I'm saddened by the fact the world has lost a great girl and I have lost a good friend.
I'm truly grateful to have met and know such a friend as her.
May she rest in peace.
12:30am (Australian Time) on 24 July 2008
I first chatted with her back in the summer of 97 when i was in malaysia. she used the irc nick of ooki and i've always remembered her as ooki sakuragi. (blame it on the slam dunk anime)
I remember that she was a vibrant, and cheeky girl and also a very tall girl ( IRC = image swapping = a/s/l) hehe.
methinks she used to go to the undernet irc servers and hung out at #miri. or #mamak
but i forget the details.
After the IRC fever slowly edged away, we grew up. i guess. IRC was a thing of the past.
We caught up again i think about few years ago when i think i came across her blog or something via something..
and i STILL can't remember. (i must be starting to forget stuffs)
then i got her msn then we chatted then google.
Her life was a journey of interesting sorts. i heard about her travels, her love for the canon d, and anime bokura ga ita and kenshin.
she wanted to go nepal and china and trek back to nature thing.
When chatting with her
every thursday when we were chatting halfway she would say she had to go because her brother was coming over for dinner.
and every night when she needs to go to shower.. she would forget to reply me and i would be thinking that oh .. she went to bed without saying goodnight. lol.
After so long of being friends i've still never met her..
now i never will.
in an email i've received from her brother
In the meantime, I would like leave a quote that Mandy prepared for all of you,
"As you love me, let there be no mourning when I go…
As we shall be happy for the dead are free… and I'm free…"
I'm saddened by the fact the world has lost a great girl and I have lost a good friend.
I'm truly grateful to have met and know such a friend as her.
May she rest in peace.
I talked to Mandy once a while last time, i was saddned when i heard the news.. it was totally a shocking news for me.. May she rest in peace..she is a strongest girl i have ever met.