used that to make my daging masak merah. though i doubt it feels the same. oh yeah i made a list of food i HAVE to eat when i'm back home. so far the list has about 58 items. more to come.
what do i do when i'm bored... my colleagues play top gun's soundtrack danger zone on his computer. another walks in with his aviators on. and says.. hey that's my song !! right on cue. hahahhahahahah
it's a loooooong weekend. easter that is. a milk chocolate egg passed my way , had a little bit of it. i think i need to cut down my weight sommore. make it down to 70kg or 72kg. hmm i wonder if i can do it by may 12. i will try.
more exercise. less carbo. eat high fibre food. woot woot. less junk.
damn .. it's the weekend. how can i keep off junk on the weekends.
as it draws nearer. i'm afraid.. geez.. what's the use of being afraid laaa
hahha just my nature. worrisome. but heck yeah .. that's all there is. enough. time for my long weekend in an hour's time.